Horario: L-V 11:00 a 14:00h y 16:00 a 19:00h.
Dekoni Audio Custom Velour Grado are velour ear cushions for the brand's headphones.
Utilizing a custom foam design, the Grado ear cushions are fully capable of delivering classic Dekoni comfort along with the variety of adjustment options needed to match your sound preference.
Dekoni's custom series is the line that brings together all the eclectic designs that occasionally result from our product development. Designs that may use new combinations of our materials, custom foams and more, fit perfectly into the custom line.
The Grado pads are the first to enter the Custom line, fully opening the door to Dekoni's experimentation with new materials, foams and sounds to help produce the perfect listening experience for you.
Weight: 0.5 grams (each pad)
No tiene nada que ver estas almohadillas con las original que son desconfortables y no sacan lo máximo de los auriculares. Es un upgrade esencial, que hay que comprar junto con los auriculares.