Horario: L-V 11:00 a 14:00h y 16:00 a 19:00h.
The iFi Audio iPower Elite is built underneath the aircraft grade aluminum chassis with highly advanced components and technologies.
The iPower Elite has been designed to provide smooth and quiet power. It gives your streamer / DAC / amp all the clean power of a battery without any hassle.
Based on military technology, our Enhanced Active Noise Cancellation II® actively cancels all incoming noise.
It does this in a similar way to active noise-cancelling headphones: it generates a signal identical to the incoming electrical noise but in the opposite phase, and actively cancels it.
This is very effective in eliminating low and mid-frequency noise, while passive isolation filters deal with high-frequency interference.
This combination is considerably more effective at eradicating noise that corrupts the USB signal than devices that rely solely on passive filtering. It works with virtually any DC powered device and comes in 5, 12, 15 and 24 volts.