Horario: L-V 11:00 a 14:00h y 16:00 a 19:00h.
The iFi Audio Zen Can is the new headphone amplifier from iFi.
With balanced output, twice the power of amplifiers in its range, and a very special design, this Zen Can comes straight to conquer the most audiophiles.
Laptops and smartphones, have a really low power output of <1.0v.
With the iFi Audio Zen Can, you'll plug in your headphones and feel a power boost 52 times greater than other amplifiers in its range.
The ZEN CAN has a discrete Class A balanced circuit, present in iFi audio's flagship Pro iCan. With 15.1v @ 300 Ohms impedance, you will be able to drive the most demanding headphones.
The iFi Audio Zen Can features special 3D sound circuitry:
Open back headphones in particular, allow all frequencies to filter freely through the back instead of trapping them and redirecting them to your ears.
XBass equalization is a much more elegant solution for bass correction than elsewhere. It is composed of both active and passive components and its frequency response curve corrects your low-end response problems with precision.
The basis of balanced and active equalization circuits are: