Horario: L-V 11:00 a 14:00h y 16:00 a 19:00h.
The iFi Audio Zen Phono 3 is the preamp that will help you upgrade your vinyl equipment and maximize the performance of each MM/MC cartridge.
Zen Phono 3 boasts futuristic features like no other entry-level phono preamp:
Standard subsonic filters are not smart and are generally hated by audiophiles. They filter out not only the bass noise from warped records but also the bass of the song.
Our intelligent subsonic filter knows the difference between the two and only filters the warp, leaving the song completely intact, and without adding group delay.
The ZEN Phono 3 supports four MM/MC gain selections from 36 to 72 dB and four input impedance settings.
Mix and match gain and load settings independently with the new load button, ensuring optimal compatibility with a wide range of cartridges and allowing you to get the "perfect" sound.
ZEN Phono 3 has a clean high-tech power supply integrated directly, isolated in its own "island" and away from the rest of the board.
Isolation of the power supply mitigates noise pollution from the analogue stage, ensuring that only the audio is amplified and allowing background noise to remain silent.
The ZEN Phono 3's equivalent input noise measures -151 dBV, which is 20 dBV quieter than some Class A+ stereophonics.
Gain Settings
Maximum output voltage (RMS)
Output impedance
Input impedance
(2 V balanced, 1 V single-ended)
Harmonic distortion
(2 V balanced, 1 V single-ended at 600 Ω)
Channel Separation
Frequently Answered
Net weight
Power consumption