Horario: L-V 11:00 a 14:00h y 16:00 a 19:00h. 19/03 y 20/03 CERRADO por festivo.
The T 778 features the latest advancements in NAD's hybrid digital technology to create 9 channels of high current/high power amplification with improved efficiency. Designed with NAD's approach of full disclosure of power ratings, the NAD AVR conservatively delivers 85W FDP and 9 x 140W FTC, all channels driven at nominal distortion.
For added flexibility, the amplifier channels are configurable to be used for surround or second zone audio. The silent black background and explosive dynamics offered by this amplification technology add realistic realism, drama and emotion to all your music and movies.
Only NAD offers Modular Design Construction (MDC).
The company's proven method for preventing premature obsolescence. 7.1.4 Dolby ® Atmos ™, DTS® Master Audio combined with Dirac Live ™ room correction offer the best quality.
The T 778 offers the most accurate imaging experience you have ever had. Music performance is exceptional with high-resolution multi-room streaming via BluOs.
As with all NAD components, the company's latest offering continues its 'simpler is better' design philosophy. This sensible approach contributes to ease of use and maximizes performance where it counts.
A perfect example is the amazing new touch screen and ergonomic improvements that simplify operation and ease access. The T 778 boasts legendary sound quality and complete compatibility with all formats and innovative features.
Excelente tanto en cine como en música. Sin la corrección de sala Dirac Live! suena magnífico y con la corrección activada lleva el sonido a unos niveles de detalle y resolución impresionantes. Con BluOS reúnes todo tu contenido digital y tus plataformas de streaming a un golpe de dedo.
Zococity, como siempre, dando un servicio excepcional.
Excelente sonido en cine y musica.